Reinventor: Jim Marggraff on Rotary Magazine

JIM MARGGRAFF has founded seven businesses by focusing on what’s possible. He’s best known for creating the popular LeapPad system, which has helped millions of children learn to read. His current venture, Kinoo, aims to connect grandparents with their grandchildren through a video-chat app that integrates games into the virtual visit. In beta testing, he says, it proved to be so much fun that "kids were begging to talk to grandma and grandpa."
As the world embraces videoconferencing in an effort to cut costs, increase flexibility, and be more inclusive, Marggraff, a member of the Rotary Club of Lamorinda Sunrise, California, wants to make sure Rotary takes full advantage of those opportunities. "Coming out of COVID, I fear that Rotary will just go back to normal," he says. "Our model needs to adapt."
So Marggraff co-founded The Global Impact Group, a nonprofit that helps clubs make better use of technology. A video at demonstrates how to integrate a virtual option into in-person meetings.
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